When the committee first looked into changing the flavor and central theme of Selesnya as a color pair, we took on the minot task of creating ten sample decks that could be constructed from the Pauper Cube as currently constructed.
Though we never had a clean way to share the decklists with the community, they were a point of brief discussion, and, as a potential learning tool, it seems important to not leave the decks buried somewhere on the Discord.
Also, updates mean we should continue to revise the decks so players have access to how the sample decks might change over time.
The biggest changes from the Adventures in the Forgotten Realms and Modern Horizon 2 updates are textural, rather than foundational.
White-Blue, White-Red, and Black-Blue see no major changes with the latest update.
White Black and White-Green add some value tools in the form of Feign Death and Captured by Lagacs, respectively. White-Green picks up some more creature buffs that positively interact with the +1/+1 counters theme.
Black-Green swaps one of its multicolored cards for a different value threat in Drey Keeper and a flavor change for the 4 powered trample of the set Owlbear. Blue-Green’s biggest change is the addition of one of the modal spells from AFR. I’m not actually convinced it belongs in the deck, since there isn’t an obvious combo to dig for, but I assume we’ll find a stronger utility spell with the Innistrad updates. Green-Red gains a psuedo-ramp spell in Goblin Anarchomancer, but the midrange monsters are always a flavor choice, so long as we have enough trample available.
Red-Black gains an incidental Rakdos sacrifice support card from MH2, but most of the other change options were removal flavors. The most significant change for Red-Blue is actually the removal of a catch-all answer in Act of Treason in favor of utility creature Plundering Barbarian.