The pace of Magic the Gathering releases hasn’t slowed down, but the Commander Legends and Double Masters redux releases do give us a brief reprieve. The current expectation for our updates is some time after Dominaria United releases, and we’ll have quite a bit to consider.
In the mean time, the proposed sealed decks could use a tune up.
Adding channeling ramp card Sunblade Samurai doesn’t necessarily do much to impact the board for our White-Blue deck. I also added a flicker spell to support the Mnemonic Wall combo.
Our Blue-Black deck adds Mirrorshell Crab, a flexible counterspell that might happen to be a creature the deck can ride to victory. I didn’t propose any other substantial changes at this time.
I wasn’t sure Rakdos was the deck that most needed Fireblast, but losing generic creature removal Auger Spree provides space for something that can kill the bevy of green fatties. It feels odd to have given the deck a spell that might actually cost more than three mana. Body Dropper provides another benefit for the incidentally sacrificed creatures, and I confess to flipping a coin when adding a token generating spell to the deck. Enjoy the dinosaur tokens.
Gruul monsters gains a little bit of reach, in the form of premium X spell, Fireball. There aren’t many problems that can’t be solved by dumping 5 or more mana in.
The swap from Ranger’s Guile to Tamiyo's Safekeeping is significant because of the word “indestructible.” There are few other decks in our sealed lists that can can destroy your handful of enchantments. The flavor of the fight spells as removal is a flavor choice.
The White-Black deck adds an odd top end in Diregraf Horde. The decayed zombies can’t block, but the Orzhov deck has enough removal and protection that it might actually be able to behave as a mini Grave Titan and end the game.
One of the bounce spells was removed and some other removal options have been snagged by our other Red decks, so Izzet adds Witness Protection. Izzet could have made due with any of the recent burn additions.
The Golgari deck features no substantive changes this time.
The major change to the White-Red deck is a byproduct of the trimming of some token generators. Instead of making goblin tokens, we now have a Lightning Strike and a recursive 3/1 in Underworld Rage-Hound
Simic’s major change is the addition of Moon-Circuit Hacker. We also swapped one of the four drop “draw-two” spells and added another draw spell, but those changes don’t change much about the expected play pattern of the deck. The ninja means there might be some earlier tempo plays as you draw or filter cards hoping for a 5 mana game ender.